1.1.1 Insights of a Psychic
Your full time career is YOU!

1.1.1 My job isn’t a #Psychic, my job is Paul as yours is YOU. 

It’s 24/7, 365 days a year with no  holidays or sick leave.

We are in it for the long haul, so pace yourself folks and try to prioritise some fun for fun’s sake too.

Here’s a tip from someone who is prone to taking this job of life far too seriously. Think of it as an ongoing working holiday, rather than this heavy, heavy serious career and imagine how your attitude would lift while you're living the job at hand. It helps to lighten things at times, we can still get the job done but it allows us to see it as less of a burden and more as an #adventure.

The conventional work we identify with to pay the bills, to express ourselves, to give us some sense of identity, all these are just #opportunities to interact with others and to be caught up within experiences, #evolving through #realisations and becoming a witness to our own thoughts and feelings. Initially, through #reflection and hindsight, then leading on to being aware of ourselves and our feelings in the present moment as we live it, seeing patterns in ourselves and others, as behaviour and motivations become clearer.