1.1.3 #LIFE IS ABOUT EVOLUTION. #Magic wands aren’t available to remove problems/difficulties/challengers.
Now Magic Moments are great ; realisations and epiphanies inspire and motivate, but jumping from one thing to another looking for magic wands or short cuts, kind of misses the point, the clue’s in the name; #Evolution – ongoing process/journey. I know, I know, wouldn’t it be nice to press a button or wave a wand every time there’s a challenge ?
Okay, so evolution and ongoing process sounds dull, but you’ll find it isn’t as it sounds.
Magic wands look like the only answer when living your life just reacting to situations and other people, being taken by surprise, then perhaps judging them to justify your sense of injustice.
I remember years ago on a managers’ course in my old career being told that ‘I didn’t include myself’. I had absolutely no idea what that meant. But the phrase stuck and haunted me as something that I didn’t comprehend, that I felt I needed to comprehend.
Meanwhile I carried on living and with hindsight, ‘evolving’ – Yes we’re #evolving even when we aren’t #conscious of taking part, it’s just so much easier and less stressful being aware and properly involved.
With hindsight what was lacking was an honest sense of my own self.
I identified myself purely through the responses and reactions of others. My #mind was the judge and jury of my own sense of #self-worth and was based upon my limited experience and limited #awareness of the world around me. It’s all fairly transparent to me now and I can see how it attracted repeat business, but through the #knowledge and experiences of that repeat business I finally was in a space ripe for the #realisations that moved me on.